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A brief History
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Submitted by admin_sej on Tue, 2019-09-03 09:57
The Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics (FISE) Yogyakarta State University (UNY) is the development of the UNY Faculty of Social Sciences (FIS). FIS is a development of the Faculty of Social Sciences Education (FPIPS) Yogyakarta Teaching and Education Institute (IKIP). IKIP Yogyakarta was born based on the Decree of the Minister of Higher Education and Science (PTIP) No. 55 of 1963, May 22, 1963. One of its faculties was the Faculty of Social Sciences Teacher Training (FKIS) which was inaugurated by the PTIP Minister on May 21, 1964. This decision was strengthened by Decree RI President Number 268 of 1965, September 14, 1965. In order to strengthen the function of teacher training in the field of Social Sciences, IKIP Yogyakarta rector issued Decree Number 05 of 1965 which contained the change of name of the FKPS to become the Faculty of Social Sciences Teaching (FKIS).
To emphasize the educational characteristics, based on Presidential Decree No. 54 of 1982 dated 7 September 1982 concerning the organizational structure of IKIP Yogyakarta FKIS changed to the Faculty of Social Sciences Education (FPIPS).
In line with the development of Science and Technology (IPTEKS) and the demands of the world of work, IKIP Yogyakarta was developed into Yogyakarta State University (UNY) based on Presidential Decree No. 93 of 1999, August 4, 1999. This was followed by a change in the name of the faculties in UNY , FPIPS was changed to FIS, which was ratified based on Minister of Education and Culture Decree Number 274/0/1999 regarding the Organization and Administration of UNY. With the name change, FIS has the authority to hold study programs in the field of teacher training and non-teacher training.
Efforts to change and develop continue to meet the demands of the community. Therefore, it is proposed to change the name of FIS to become the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences (FISE). Based on the Regulation of the Minister of National Education RIN Number 12 of 2006 Concerning Organization and Work Procedure of Yogyakarta State University, FIS was changed to become the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences (FISE).
Efforts to change and develop continue to meet the demands of the community. Therefore, it is proposed to change the name of FIS to become the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences (FISE). Based on the Regulation of the Minister of National Education RIN Number 12 of 2006 Concerning Organization and Work Procedure of Yogyakarta State University, FIS was changed to become the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences (FISE).
Based on the course of the history of the institution, the Senate of FIS UNY established September 14, 1965 as the anniversary of FISE UNY. This date was taken from the formal juridical basis of the Republic of Indonesia's Presidential Decree concerning the strengthening and ratification of the establishment of the Yogyakarta Teachers' Training College on September 14, 1965.
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