Tracer Study


Mr / Mrs / Mr / Mrs Alumni of the Historical Study Program of FIS UNY

In the context of developing the Department of History Education FIS UNY, we are administrators of the Historical Education Study Program intending to hold a Tracer Study Survey. For this reason, we ask you to fill in the Tracer Study form as an effort to develop the Historical Study Program of FIP UNY. Participation from the Ladies and Gentlemen, we really hope that the achievement of the development of the Historical Study Program of FIS UNY is better.

Tracer Study Form Historical Education Study Program for Alumni

For almuni who has a boss, please be pleased to submit the form below to him.


Thus, for the attention and cooperation of Mr / Mrs / Mr / Mrs Alumni of all, we extend our deepest gratitude.

Head of History Study Program of FIS UNY

Dr. Dyah Kumalasari, M.Pd.
NIP 197706182003122001


For further information, please contact: